Study Questions for March 9, 2025

Read Mark 7:1-8:30

Notice how Jesus is serving humanity in this section. What needs are being addressed?

With 7:37 and 8:27 bringing a confessional climax to each chapter, can you break down the other content in Mark 7 and 8 into 4 mirrored accounts? In other words, how is the content of Mark 7 reflected in Mark 8? This is a critical element to understanding the structure of Mark's gospel.

Mark's healing accounts in 7:31-36 and 8:22-26 are unique to his gospel. Contrast these accounts with Isaiah 35:4-5.

Notice the commands of Jesus following the confessional accounts. Why, after the confessions have been so clearly made, would Jesus forbid them to spread the confession about him? (Mark 7:36; 8:30)

How might this warning apply to your confession about Jesus?



