Study Questions for January 19, 2025

We Worship Together

Prayer to Begin: "Almighty God, by your gift alone we come to wisdom and true understanding: Look with favor, we pray, on our studies, that knowledge may be increased among us, and wholesome learning flourish and abound; bless those who learn, and grant that in humility of heart they may ever look to you, the fountain of all wisdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

Read Acts 2:42-47

By way of review, what are the four pillars of church devotion describing the early church listed in Acts 2:42?

Acts 2:42 describes our shared worship experience in terms of breaking bread or eating together. How does Acts 2:46 help you understand all that is meant by that?

Read Galatians 2:9-13  
Why was eating together such a big concern of Paul?

How do you feel about the Lord's Supper being taken as a continuation of simply eating together?

What does this say about the nature of worship?

Prayerfully consider how this lesson might impact your understanding of worship. Have you limited a personal expression of worship?  Does this help you see how the early church celebrated God amid daily occupations?

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