Study Questions for January 12, 2025

Belong Together
Acts 2:42

The term "fellowship" has been used abundantly in the American church community over the past 50 years. It is a very important term but what does it mean?  What comes to your mind when you consider the meaning of "Christian fellowship?"

Using a favorite Bible dictionary or website for Bible study, what Greek word is the source of our translation?  Does the definition of that word teach you anything new?

For discussion,, share about the most significant community you have experienced in your life. It could be a group of friends you grew up with, a sports team you were part of, your family, a group of neighbors, or a Fellowship Group. How did this community shape you as a person? What made this community so vibrant and life-giving?

It has been said that the three great values of modern American culture are: individualism, consumerism, and materialism. From Luke’s description in Acts 2:42, what would you say the values of the earliest Christians were? Do you think it is important for Luke to list fellowship second after learning from the Apostle's teaching?

What kind of fellowship describes your small group, and how might you grow in a richer expression of fellowship?

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