Study Questions for February 2, 2025

Read Mark 1:1-45

In Mark 1:1, what is the writer saying in these words?
Using a Bible Study tool, what is the meaning of "good news" or "gospel" in this verse?
What is the meaning of "Messiah?"

What is the function of John the Baptist-- why is he necessary?

How are John and Mark similar in their confessions about Jesus?

Mark is introducing us to Jesus as the Son of God. We see this most vividly authenticated in the pronouncement of the Father at Jesus' baptism. The Father tell us who Jesus is.
How does Mark prove the authority in other ways? (see 1:12-45)
How do the people in the synagogue react to the authority of Jesus? (1:27)

In 1:35-45, why did Jesus go away to be alone?
How does Jesus respond to growing fame? (1:38)
What practical reasons would Jesus want to avoid fame?

Have you been properly introduced to Jesus?
Is your confession of faith based on evidence and similar to Mark and John?

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