God Is at Work in our Lives

Since we have four service times, we know that most of you don’t get to see all of the testimonies and baptisms on Baptism Sundays. We also recognize you can be encouraged in your own faith by witnessing others’ baptisms! They serve as a reminder to us that, even in the midst of a dark world, God is still at work in our lives, and many are still bowing down to His plan. We also know that it is good and helpful to remember our own baptism and what Christ has done for us. Seeing baptisms is a reminder of God's goodness!
Here at CFC, we don’t count baptisms as the only metric of success. Why? Because salvation is God's gift and Jesus' work; it’s not ours to take the credit for! With that said, baptism celebrations at CFC are definitely evidence of God being at work among us. 
Below are links to watch the baptisms from this past Sunday. We pray that these baptisms and testimonies will encourage and edify you! If you have trusted Christ – and Christ alone – for your salvation and would like to be baptized, we would love to walk down that path with you. All you have to do is sign up HERE to start that journey. 
We can't wait to worship with you Sunday! See you soon!
Baptism at 9:15 Service
Baptism at 10:45 Service
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