Jesus Steps Forward

The Gospel of Mark:
is not a biography of Jesus’ life
is not a detailed map of events
is not in chronological order
is a purpose-driven narrative

Mark 1:1a

This is the Good News about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God.

Mark opens his gospel with a personal declaration of faith.

Mark’s declaration of faith is a declaration of victory.

Mark’s declaration of faith is a proclamation of identity.

The Son of God is confirmed:

by the witness of the prophet John (1:2-8)
by the witness of God the Father (2:9-11)
by the witness of trials (1:12-13)
by the witness of personal authority (1:14-45)

There is authority in His call. (1:14-20)

There is authority in His teaching. (1:21-22)

Mark 1:21-22

21 Jesus and his companions went to the town of Capernaum. When the Sabbath day came, he went into the synagogue and began to teach. 22 The people were amazed at his teaching, for he taught with real authority—quite unlike the teachers of religious law.

There is authority in His power over demons. (1:23-28)

Mark 1:27-28

27 Amazement gripped the audience, and they began to discuss what had happened. “What sort of new teaching is this?” they asked excitedly. “It has such authority! Even evil spirits obey his orders!” 28 The news about Jesus spread quickly throughout the entire region of Galilee.

There is authority in His healing. (1:29-45)

 Mark 1:34

 So Jesus healed many people who were sick with various diseases, and he cast out many demons. But because the demons knew who he was, he did not allow them to speak.

 Have you ever met Jesus?
 What has to happen before Mark’s confession is your confession?
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