Posts with the category “news”

We See God at Work
by Christian Fellowship Church on July 25th, 2024
Church family, we have seen God do some amazing things through our high school, middle school, and preteen camps this summer. He is also at work in the Middle East, as you will see further down in this email. Also, we can't wait to celebrate what God has done in several people’s lives as we come together at Burdette for an evening of baptisms and fun this Sunday! Our Middle School Ministry (6th-8t...  Read More
Current eBulletin
by Christian Fellowship Church on July 24th, 2024
Stay up to date with what's happening at CFC by reading the eBulletin each week....  Read More
Prayers Were Answered
by Christian Fellowship Church on July 11th, 2024
The prayers of many at CFC were answered! Many of you volunteered to pray for our HSM students as they went to CIY. Last week, a group of just over 80 high school students and leaders loaded up on buses to head to Cleveland, TN for summer camp at CIY Move. This was a great week for students to get away from their normal routines, grow in their relationships with each other, enjoy free time activit...  Read More
A New Intentionality
by Christian Fellowship Church on July 2nd, 2024
Maybe you noticed a few weeks ago that we have started playing a video right at the end of our Sunday services. A lot of people have wondered what these videos are all about, so we are providing an answer.  These videos are an attempt to help those who have made a decision to follow Jesus know what a good next step could be at CFC. One of the most common questions we have received in both our Memb...  Read More
The Joy of Giving and Going
by Christian Fellowship Church on June 26th, 2024
We have 2 things to tell you about this week.  First, have you ever been on a short term mission trip? Or if you have been, do you think maybe it’s time to do it again? These trips can be life-changing for those who go, as well as for those whom we serve. We would love for you to learn more about an upcoming Evangelistic/Medical Mission trip to Honduras. If the term “medical” made you pause, pleas...  Read More
Pray Give or Go (for 40 minutes)
by Christian Fellowship Church on June 19th, 2024
You don’t have to look very far to see a big mission field right here in our area. In fact, we have wonderful educators at CFC who talk about how big of a mission field the public schools have become. We are so thankful for godly teachers and administrators who are a part of our church, and we need to be praying for them in their calling!  Did you know that Weekday Christian Education has been at ...  Read More
The Miller Project
by Christian Fellowship Church on June 13th, 2024
Church Family, one of our greatest privileges and responsibilities is to serve and care for our Global Staff members who serve around the world. We are not all called to GO, but surely we are all called to GIVE or PRAY! We want to give you the chance to take part in a unique opportunity to bless the Miller family serving in Spain. Below is a comment from them and then instructions and details abou...  Read More
Pray for VBS Next Week
by Christian Fellowship Church on June 6th, 2024
Church Family, we are gearing up for another VBS week, and we couldn’t be more excited! It is such a privilege to share the love of Jesus with over 350 kids next week. We are already praising God for how many diligent volunteers have come in to prepare crafts and other supplies, for how many in our church turned in donations that we will use all week, and for the many new volunteers this year. It ...  Read More
Students Are a Core Value
by Christian Fellowship Church on May 30th, 2024
Students are one of CFC’s Core Values. They are so important to us that we want to have individuals “going where they are” and having gospel-centric conversations with the students. Over the last year, our College Ministry has really grown. In large part, that’s because one student, JD, has invited someone different to join him at our college group every single week. JD is very bold in sharing the...  Read More
August 4, 1974 Has Impacted Us All
by Christian Fellowship Church on May 23rd, 2024
Whether you have been at CFC for 1 week, 1 year, every week since 1974, or anything in between, we want to celebrate what God has done through the ministry of CFC with you. YOU are part of that story, and we hope you’ll join us for a very special worship celebration here at CFC on Sunday, August 4, at either 9:15 or 10:45AM. We pray that we will glorify God as we share our story, celebrate our pas...  Read More
CFC Sidekicks Impact Lives
by Christian Fellowship Church on May 16th, 2024
Hello, Church Family! We have a ministry at CFC that we are very thankful for, and we’re now looking for more people to serve within it. As our Specific Needs Ministry continues to grow and impact lives, we are excited to extend an invitation for new volunteers to join our dedicated team of Sidekicks. Inspired by Luke 18:16, where Jesus welcomes the children with open arms, we believe in serving a...  Read More
Susan H. Snyder Center for Women and Children
by Andi Miller on May 9th, 2024
Good morning, CFC family! We are excited to help raise awareness for a Gospel-centered ministry coming to our area soon through the Evansville Rescue Mission. The Evansville Rescue Mission was started back in 1917 by co-founders Dr. Ernest “Pappy” Reveal and his wife, Edna. They had a vision to reach out to the hurting, forgotten, and impoverished in the Tri-State, and it’s a heart of service that...  Read More
The Problem Is Serious
by Christian Fellowship Church on May 2nd, 2024
The problem is serious, but there is hope!  May is Foster Care Awareness Month. While this deserves forward-facing attention every day of every month, we are extra intentional in May about raising awareness and getting more people connected to this crisis to provide hope to a dire situation. The sad reality is that foster children may be hurting even if they have been or are currently with a CFC f...  Read More
What an Encouragement
by Christian Fellowship Church on April 24th, 2024
We were able to celebrate 10 baptisms this past Sunday! If you haven’t heard the testimonies, we would strongly encourage you to watch them at the links below. In the midst of a dark world, this is evidence that God is at work! We are so thankful for these 10 people who publicly identified with Christ. Our prayer is that their testimonies will encourage you in your walk with the Lord.  Baptism is ...  Read More
Grace Based
by Andi Miller on April 11th, 2024
CFC Family, this is a reminder for those of you who signed up for the Grace Marriage quarterly conference, as well as for those who would like to join. Grace Marriage is hosted at CFC on four different Saturdays throughout the year from 8:00AM-12:30PM, and we provide breakfast!On April 20th, CFC will be hosting our fourth session of Grace Marriage. It’s a ministry focused on helping couples priori...  Read More
2 Opportunities
by Andi Miller on April 4th, 2024
Would you be interested in either of these opportunities?Two weeks ago we introduced you to Sam Hust during our Missions Moment. Sam has been working for 25 years in the Czech Republic, and we have had the privilege of supporting his work for many years. Sam spends much of his time building up the church, supporting Ukrainian refugees and churches, and mentoring the next generation. You can learn ...  Read More
Studies Show...
by Andi Miller on March 21st, 2024
We are excited to celebrate this Easter with you! Believe it or not, Easter is only a week away, and we want to encourage you to invite those in your lives who are not connected to a local church to join you at CFC this year. People are far more receptive to – and may even be expecting – someone inviting them to church for Easter. We were created for relationships, so it’s no surprise that a perso...  Read More
3rd Most Unreached
by Christian Fellowship Church on March 14th, 2024
Hello, Church Family! We are absolutely thrilled to let you know about a new resource we have available to our congregation and anyone else who might benefit.Did you know that American Sign Language is the third most-used language in North America after only English and Spanish?1 It is estimated that there could be as many as 2 million deaf people in the United States alone, and there are many mor...  Read More
2 Things to Do
by Christian Fellowship Church on February 29th, 2024
Good morning, CFC Family! We have two things that everyone who calls CFC their home church should do: 1) Many of you have had the CFC app on your mobile devices for a long time. Some of you may be unaware that we have a church app. Recently, we have made significant changes to the app to make it a better and more user-friendly resource for you. You can follow along with the sermon notes each week,...  Read More
1 to Help & 2 to Encourage
by Andi Miller on February 22nd, 2024
We are excited to get your help on one thing and encourage you with two other things.  First, can you help us make a decision? As many of you know, CFC has had a low frequency radio station for many years. The dial on your radio is 99.1, and you can also stream it online. The radio station is in desperate need of a big financial investment in order to keep it going. Before moving forward – because...  Read More
Creating a Safe Environment
by Andi Miller on February 15th, 2024
We implemented something a few years ago, and we figured this is the most appropriate way to provide you with an update about it. We believe that one of our responsibilities as a church is to create safe environments for our family to worship in. Out of a desire to shepherd and protect the flock at CFC well, we implemented a Security and Safety Team (SST) in November of 2022. The goal in creating ...  Read More
Sign Up for eNews
by Andi Miller on February 8th, 2024
Each Friday morning, we send our eNews with important information about what’s happening in various ministries, as well as news that we think everyone who considers CFC their church  should know. It lists those in the CFC family who have recently passed away and includes the eBulletin. Please read it each week. If you don’t yet receive it, go to or check the box on your Welcome...  Read More
Kids Are Seeking Our Guidance
by Andi Miller on February 8th, 2024
Last weekend, many people from CFC and the community went to Sean McDowell's presentation of "Passing Your Faith to the Next Generation" at the Victory Theatre. It was an insightful exploration of Deuteronomy 6:1-4, complemented by stories from the McDowell family. Sean tackled crucial questions, such as "How do I raise my kids in the faith?" and "How can I parent my children so they will embrace ...  Read More
Exciting News from Bremen, KY
by Christian Fellowship Church on February 1st, 2024
Good morning, CFC Family. We have some exciting news for you!  Just over two years ago, the tornados that wreaked havoc through parts of Western Kentucky gave us a chance to be a blessing to Church Street General Baptist Church in Bremen, KY. Church Street was ministering to many families whose lives were forever changed, all while their own church building had suffered extreme damage. Where would...  Read More
Ministry Momentum & Visible Fruit
by Christian Fellowship Church on January 25th, 2024
Good morning, Church Family! We are so excited about what God is doing around CFC. Honestly, we can’t pinpoint any one reason, but we are experiencing momentum in many areas, and our ministries are bearing visible fruit. We know God is at work, regardless of what we see, think, or feel, but it is so encouraging when, by His grace, He allows us to notice and experience His activity. Here are just a...  Read More
Resurrection Power
by NerMoo Kunkle on January 18th, 2024
Good morning, Church Family! We pray that you've had a great week that has honored the Lord.This weekend, we have our High School Ministry Winter Retreat. Over 60 high school students will be spending their weekend at CFC to learn about the power of the resurrection of Jesus. Zach Tinner, an Evansville native and former CFC staff member, will be joining us to preach on the present-day implications...  Read More



