Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations...
Matthew 28:19
We believe that God’s vision for CFC is to glorify Him by making Disciples of all people. This vision comes from a simple statement that Jesus made in Matthew 28 telling us to “Go make Disciples!” A Disciple is one who follows Jesus and is becoming more like Him. This is true no matter where we are in our spiritual journey.
Know and Experience God
Knowing and experiencing God forms the foundation of the Discipleship Pathway. Throughout Scripture, we are shown over and over again God’s desire for us to know him and for this knowledge to move beyond our heads to change our hearts. That kind of knowledge comes through our experience of God and his love for us.
While there are many ways we can engage in knowing and experiencing God, this happens first and foremost through our corporate worship services each weekend. In our worship services, we engage with God’s Word through the sermon and experience God through participation in worship. We also offer classes and seminars to deepen our understanding of God’s Word. These range from direct Bible studies to topical courses that help us engage in the application of God’s Word into our daily lives. We also believe that daily Bible reading and prayer are crucial activities that draw us deeper into a relationship with God.
If you aren’t sure where to start, we recommend attending our weekend services and setting aside a little time each day to read God’s Word and pray.
While there are many ways we can engage in knowing and experiencing God, this happens first and foremost through our corporate worship services each weekend. In our worship services, we engage with God’s Word through the sermon and experience God through participation in worship. We also offer classes and seminars to deepen our understanding of God’s Word. These range from direct Bible studies to topical courses that help us engage in the application of God’s Word into our daily lives. We also believe that daily Bible reading and prayer are crucial activities that draw us deeper into a relationship with God.
If you aren’t sure where to start, we recommend attending our weekend services and setting aside a little time each day to read God’s Word and pray.

Connect with God and Others
Connecting with God and others is an important element in the life of a disciple. Connecting with God is, in many ways, an extension of knowing and experiencing God. When we want to connect deeply with someone, we engage in activities that will help us better understand them. When we engage in these kinds of activities to draw closer to God, they are called the spiritual disciplines. Starting to practice some of the disciplines can have a profound impact on your life and relationship with God.
Connecting with others is vitally important as well! Throughout Scripture, it is made clear that we are not meant to go through our Christian walk alone. There are many opportunities to live out our faith in community, but we believe the primary place where this happens is in small groups. By intentionally investing in a small group, we can find encouragement, accountability, support, and partners with whom we can study God’s Word. At CFC, we also have lifestage ministries, like Mom’s Group, our Veteran’s Ministry, Celebrate Recovery, and Grief Share where you may connect with others in a similar phase of life or with shared experiences. For those wanting to deepen their faith, we would also encourage you to seek out a mentorship relationship with a mature believer to walk the path with you as a guide.
Connecting with others is vitally important as well! Throughout Scripture, it is made clear that we are not meant to go through our Christian walk alone. There are many opportunities to live out our faith in community, but we believe the primary place where this happens is in small groups. By intentionally investing in a small group, we can find encouragement, accountability, support, and partners with whom we can study God’s Word. At CFC, we also have lifestage ministries, like Mom’s Group, our Veteran’s Ministry, Celebrate Recovery, and Grief Share where you may connect with others in a similar phase of life or with shared experiences. For those wanting to deepen their faith, we would also encourage you to seek out a mentorship relationship with a mature believer to walk the path with you as a guide.

Partner with God in His Mission
God’s mission is to restore broken relationships and to reconcile all people to Himself. One of the most amazing things about following Him is that He invites us to join Him on that mission! We do this when we engage in local and global missions, serve in volunteer ministries, and give generously of our time and resources.
We are also called to engage in evangelism and organic outreach. What we mean by this is actively watching for the opportunities and people that God has put in your life and seeking to introduce people in your life to Jesus. This usually happens best through relationships, and we encourage you to intentionally look for opportunities to share the Gospel with those God has put in your life. This might be your neighbor, a friend from a book club, or parents from your child’s sports team. Through the relationships we already have, we have opportunities to share the Gospel with those around us.
We are also called to seek and practice Christ likeness. We are all called to be God’s image-bearers, and this means engaging in the types of activities that He cares about. Throughout Scripture, we’re told that God cares for the orphan, the fatherless, and the widow. This is shorthand for describing those who are less fortunate or are in need. We are called to care and advocate for those who need help or who do not have voices of their own.
We are also called to engage in evangelism and organic outreach. What we mean by this is actively watching for the opportunities and people that God has put in your life and seeking to introduce people in your life to Jesus. This usually happens best through relationships, and we encourage you to intentionally look for opportunities to share the Gospel with those God has put in your life. This might be your neighbor, a friend from a book club, or parents from your child’s sports team. Through the relationships we already have, we have opportunities to share the Gospel with those around us.
We are also called to seek and practice Christ likeness. We are all called to be God’s image-bearers, and this means engaging in the types of activities that He cares about. Throughout Scripture, we’re told that God cares for the orphan, the fatherless, and the widow. This is shorthand for describing those who are less fortunate or are in need. We are called to care and advocate for those who need help or who do not have voices of their own.

Be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples
The whole pathway is about being a disciple, but one of the most important aspects in the life of a disciple is replication. We are not only called to follow Jesus; we are called to help others follow Him as well. This includes serving in ministry leadership (whether paid or volunteer), engaging in leadership training to help raise up new leaders in the church, and serving as a mentor by walking with others who are not as far along in their own journey. Another important aspect of this is helping others through the pathway. Sometimes each of us needs someone to come alongside us to help us figure out what our next step on the path might be.
We are all also called to share the Gospel with those God has put into our lives. When we engage in authentic relationships with those around us, we often find ourselves in unique situations where our relationships open up opportunities to share the Gospel with our friends, neighbors, coworkers, or family members. You don’t need special training for this; people will respond far more to your love than they will to your knowledge.
The common thread to all of this is that all of us, no matter where we are on the pathway, can introduce others to Jesus, and walk alongside them as they begin their own journey on the path. What an amazing opportunity we are given to introduce our friends and neighbors to the Creator of all things, who desires a relationship with each one of us to the extent that he hung on a cross to pay the penalty for our sins so that we could be reconciled to Him!
We are all also called to share the Gospel with those God has put into our lives. When we engage in authentic relationships with those around us, we often find ourselves in unique situations where our relationships open up opportunities to share the Gospel with our friends, neighbors, coworkers, or family members. You don’t need special training for this; people will respond far more to your love than they will to your knowledge.
The common thread to all of this is that all of us, no matter where we are on the pathway, can introduce others to Jesus, and walk alongside them as they begin their own journey on the path. What an amazing opportunity we are given to introduce our friends and neighbors to the Creator of all things, who desires a relationship with each one of us to the extent that he hung on a cross to pay the penalty for our sins so that we could be reconciled to Him!