Discipleship Pathway Next Steps

Leadership and Mentoring
We are always looking to raise up mature believers to serve in leadership roles. If you would like to investigate this, please let us know on the form below, and we will reach out to start discussions with you about how you might partner to serve within the CFC community.
We believe that discipleship happens best within the context of an existing relationship. If you are interested in one-on-one discipleship, we strongly recommend that you begin by thinking through your circle of relationships and asking a believer who is a bit farther along on the path than you to partner with you in one-on-one discipleship. If you are unable to locate someone to walk with you in one-on-one discipleship, please let us know, and we will help you identify someone who would be a good fit

You can take classes to grow in your faith too. See the current listing  of classes and digital resources HERE