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CFC's online giving is simple and easy. Click here if you would like to read instructions on how to give.
Giving is a natural response for believers of Jesus. It is out of the overflow of our gratitude, as we understand grace and all that Jesus did for us, that we give. By being generous, we honor the Lord, and His work on earth is advanced. As a result, lives are changed, and we experience joy. Giving, therefore, is not something we want from you but something we want for you.
Giving is a natural response for believers of Jesus. It is out of the overflow of our gratitude, as we understand grace and all that Jesus did for us, that we give. By being generous, we honor the Lord, and His work on earth is advanced. As a result, lives are changed, and we experience joy. Giving, therefore, is not something we want from you but something we want for you.

CFC is committed to glorifying God by making disciples of all people. It is through your generous giving and tithing that we are able to better serve and live out the purpose set before us as disciples and members of Christian Fellowship Church.

By giving to CFC’s benevolence fund, you can help support local people in need during a financial crisis.

This fund supports future building projects and major building improvements that may be needed to support the ongoing ministry of Christian Fellowship Church.