The Problem Is Serious
The problem is serious, but there is hope!
May is Foster Care Awareness Month. While this deserves forward-facing attention every day of every month, we are extra intentional in May about raising awareness and getting more people connected to this crisis to provide hope to a dire situation.
The sad reality is that foster children may be hurting even if they have been or are currently with a CFC foster family, and it's not their fault. You may have even seen these children in the halls of CFC.
One infant had trouble eating and was consumed with tears most of the time because of trauma suffered before birth (but Praise God that the mother chose life). One child was abused sexually, two teenagers struggled to engage with others, and the list goes on and on. Again, these are kids who we have seen at CFC over the years. There are almost 400,000 more in our country. It’s not easy, but it’s worth stepping into these situations. CFC praises God for those in our family who have fostered or are fostering and for those who have found their fit and are doing something to help.
We saw God work in the lives of Baby Z and her biological father, who has had a complete life change. She lived with a CFC foster family because the dad needed space to get his life together, and he did just that! Now, he’s in church, working full time, sober, and providing for his daughter who now lives with him. The CFC family had the joy of walking alongside them and supporting them, and the families now feel like friends. Although these stories don’t always end so happily, God can do anything, and this family has seen Him answer huge prayers!
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. (James 1:27)
This issue is huge, but it’s rarely discussed and often misunderstood in the U.S. As a result, the children can become invisible. People don’t know how to get involved, and, therefore, the story doesn’t change.
We want you to learn about how our church – and each one of us in it – can be the solution to meeting foster care needs. Foster care is a place where the Church can step in to help the child and family reconcile and reunite. And when that goal is not attainable, we, as the Church, can step in as adoptive parents. This is the Gospel lived out. Whether you personally foster or adopt or you support foster, adoptive, birth, and at-risk families, there are countless ways to get involved. These kids deserve to be more than statistics.
Since everyone can do something, would you pray about fostering and committing to finding your fit in foster care? Let's be used by God and live out James 1:27.
By clicking HERE, you can find all the ways that CFC is engaged in providing hope. This link will help you find your fit, or you can stop by the tables in the foyer on May 19 to get more information and ask questions to help you find your fit. Please take a look at the webpage, pray, and get connected! These children need someone, and you can do something. We all can!
We look forward to seeing you this weekend!
May is Foster Care Awareness Month. While this deserves forward-facing attention every day of every month, we are extra intentional in May about raising awareness and getting more people connected to this crisis to provide hope to a dire situation.
The sad reality is that foster children may be hurting even if they have been or are currently with a CFC foster family, and it's not their fault. You may have even seen these children in the halls of CFC.
One infant had trouble eating and was consumed with tears most of the time because of trauma suffered before birth (but Praise God that the mother chose life). One child was abused sexually, two teenagers struggled to engage with others, and the list goes on and on. Again, these are kids who we have seen at CFC over the years. There are almost 400,000 more in our country. It’s not easy, but it’s worth stepping into these situations. CFC praises God for those in our family who have fostered or are fostering and for those who have found their fit and are doing something to help.
We saw God work in the lives of Baby Z and her biological father, who has had a complete life change. She lived with a CFC foster family because the dad needed space to get his life together, and he did just that! Now, he’s in church, working full time, sober, and providing for his daughter who now lives with him. The CFC family had the joy of walking alongside them and supporting them, and the families now feel like friends. Although these stories don’t always end so happily, God can do anything, and this family has seen Him answer huge prayers!
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. (James 1:27)
This issue is huge, but it’s rarely discussed and often misunderstood in the U.S. As a result, the children can become invisible. People don’t know how to get involved, and, therefore, the story doesn’t change.
We want you to learn about how our church – and each one of us in it – can be the solution to meeting foster care needs. Foster care is a place where the Church can step in to help the child and family reconcile and reunite. And when that goal is not attainable, we, as the Church, can step in as adoptive parents. This is the Gospel lived out. Whether you personally foster or adopt or you support foster, adoptive, birth, and at-risk families, there are countless ways to get involved. These kids deserve to be more than statistics.
Since everyone can do something, would you pray about fostering and committing to finding your fit in foster care? Let's be used by God and live out James 1:27.
By clicking HERE, you can find all the ways that CFC is engaged in providing hope. This link will help you find your fit, or you can stop by the tables in the foyer on May 19 to get more information and ask questions to help you find your fit. Please take a look at the webpage, pray, and get connected! These children need someone, and you can do something. We all can!
We look forward to seeing you this weekend!
Posted in News
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