Prayers Were Answered

The prayers of many at CFC were answered! Many of you volunteered to pray for our HSM students as they went to CIY. Last week, a group of just over 80 high school students and leaders loaded up on buses to head to Cleveland, TN for summer camp at CIY Move. This was a great week for students to get away from their normal routines, grow in their relationships with each other, enjoy free time activities and competitions, and ultimately grow in their knowledge and love for Christ. While stress and anxiety are not exclusive to high school students, there are many influences in this stage of life that can serve as pressure points and, at times, become overwhelming for them. The theme of CIY Move 2024 was “The rest of your life.” The emphasis was that, in Jesus, our souls can ultimately find rest, and we can have this rest for the remainder of our lives. 
Over the course of the week, God broke down walls, and CFC students sat at the feet of Jesus. They confessed sin, encouraged one another, and made commitments to serving the Kingdom of God with their various gifts and talents. Students were challenged as well as encouraged through small groups, daily quiet times, worship, and Biblical teaching. As students begin preparing for school to begin next month, this was a great week for them to reorient themselves with the truths of God and begin walking in the rest that He provides for His children. 
Many of you have also volunteered to pray for our MSM summer camp; they leave tomorrow!  
Thank you so much for caring about the younger generation. We love our church, and we can't wait to worship with you on Sunday!
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