Pray, Give (toothbrushes), and Go

Some Go, Some Give, All Pray.
Missions is a core value at CFC, and because of that, many in our Church Family have had or will have the chance to GO as a part of our Global Outreach Ministry. Now you have the chance to GIVE, but it’s not just about giving money! 
We are sending a short-term mission trip to the Dominican Republic the first week of November. This is a dental and evangelism trip to a new village that we will soon begin a long-term partnership with. One of our goals for this trip is to provide dental care in coordination with Food for the Hungry. They are the local ministry partner we have worked with for over 30 years.  
Here is how you can be a blessing: our CFC team is collecting new toothbrushes and toothpaste to distribute to the people we will be building relationships with in the village. We are excited to give them these gifts while also sharing the Gospel with them. If you can donate, drop them in the bin near The Center by November 3.
Whether or not you are able to give a toothbrush or toothpaste or, the team is grateful for all of you who will PRAY as they prepare for and go on the trip. We are so thankful for a Church Family that shares the heart of God for the nations. Because missions is a core value at CFC and because going and making disciples of all nations was commanded by Jesus, we love having the chance to proclaim His Name to all people!
Our worship services are also a core value; we can't wait to worship with you Sunday!  



