Share Celebrate Envision

Church Family, we can’t tell you how excited we are to celebrate CFC’s 50th Anniversary this Sunday! The staff and volunteers have been planning this celebration since last year, and we have so much in store for you as we share our story, celebrate our past, and envision the future. 
You are a part of CFC’s history whether you were here on that first day, or you just started attending CFC this year. To God be the glory for how He has used us all in that history! It’s not too late to invite someone who no longer attends CFC to come, too. 
Plan to come and celebrate with us this Sunday! We will have 2 services at 9:15 and 10:45AM. There will not be an 8AM or 4:15PM service. We’ll have worship songs that span our history, some news about a couple of recent CFC projects, and both David and Dale will give a short message.
One of the most important directions that we can give you is to ARRIVE EARLY! We are anticipating a large crowd, and there will be things to do and see before and after services. If you are coming to the 9:15 service, 8:45 wouldn’t be too early. There will be lots of pictures and memorabilia for you to look at in the foyer, and we’ll have special pre-service music and slides. (Look for slides with pictures of some familiar faces when they were in middle school in the 90s.) 
Because there will be so many people, please think of others both in the parking lot and as you take your seats. Maybe you can park a little further away from the building to leave the closer spots for those who can’t walk as easily. We also ask that you move to the center of your row and don’t leave seats between groups. 
We hope you have enjoyed some of the ways that we’ve asked others to engage in preparation for the celebration. Be sure to read all of the submissions on the MEMORIES page. It's great to see how God has worked! You can still SUBMIT MEMORIES, too. We also have been posting videos from some of the CFC Family telling us the one word they’d use to describe CFC. You can view all of those videos HERE.  
Family, we can’t wait to worship with you this Sunday!
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