Memories from 50 years from the CFC Family
My first memory of Aug 4, 1974, was that we arrived early at the Union Building at U of E and set up about 100  chairs in the Formal Lounge to prepare for our first service. Then we went upstairs to pray for God to be honored and for Him to work in each person who came. (I also asked the Lord to help me with that first message). When it was about time to begin we came down from upstairs to see who might be coming, and the room was already full and there was not enough room for everyone to get in. So we quickly moved around the corner to the “Great Hall,” and set up chairs in that room. We passed around a clipboard, and nearly 450 people signed in! It was beyond our wildest imagination. From that first day we were convinced this was God’s going and that we had to trust Him and try to obey Him for everything else that would ever happen.
-David N.

One of my fond memories of CFC is of the forming of small groups in the very beginning days of our meeting together.  We could only use the auditorium at Seton Manor on Sunday mornings, so we couldn't have other large meetings during the week.  But we could have small groups in homes.  Someone knew about a man named Chuck Miller in California who was a great leader and who trained people to function well in small groups.  We brought him to train us, and many came to a meeting where he taught us a Bible study method he called 2PROAPT.  That stood for Pray, Preview, Read, Observe, Apply, Pray, and Tell someone about it. Chuck helped us practice using these steps on short passages of Scripture, so we could use this same method for our small group meetings.   We did the 2PROAPT study on our own and shared about what we learned from our study with our groups.

I remember working on dividing people into small groups.  We ended up with 20 groups of about 10 people each.  I loved our small group!  We were so glad to be together and study the Word.  And we loved singing the songs that were coming out of the Jesus Movement in CA.  There was real joy and celebration. The small groups led to great connections among people and were a great source of growth.  They, along with the Biblical preaching, became the backbone of the church.
-Judy N.

I remember the first service that Kevin and I attended clearly. It was the first service in the brand new Worship Center in November 2001. We heard Pastor David share the Gospel so clearly, and for the first time, we understood and believed! We'd both been to church on and off our entire lives, but we'd never understood. (Shout out to Janet & JR Huff for continuing to invite us.)
-Andi M.

I came in 1980, and even though I came from a congregation of about 20 on Sunday to here at 1,000, I seemed to fit in. They passed the hat ( a real one) and asked to put your name in for a small group...I put my name in and have been in one ever since. I would have never learned so much or been a mature Christian had I not come here from my former church. I was single with 2 kids and there was an usher at the same place every Sunday... He continued there for 10 years and helped me to feel welcomed. He asked about my children as they grew up . He has gone to heaven long ago ,but I will never forget him helping each Sunday just by being there and being interested in my family.
-Sandy M.

I'll never forget the first weekend I visited CFC. Pulling into the parking lot, the building looked kind of scary, and I was nervous about how the people inside would treat me. But as soon as I walked in the doors it felt like home. People were waiting to greet me with smiles and excitement! The building was full of joy and fellowship. I felt so refreshed. Over a decade later, CFC still feels like home, and the joy our church exudes during events and at weekend services is a constant blessing to me through the ups and downs of life.
-Madeline H.

Thousands of pastors and women leaders are blessed and impacted by the ministry of CFC all over India, so we are so much grateful for all the prayers and supports you've given over all these years. Congratulations!
-Abraham J.

Barry first came to know Pastor Dave when he was in college at U of E. Pastor Dave led a Men’s Bible study that Barry attended. When Pastor Dave started CFC that first Sunday, Aug. 4, 1974, Barry was there helping set up chairs. Pastor Dave officiated at our wedding on June 18, 1977. We went to CFC for many years. We have appreciated and thank God for giving us Pastor Dave and Judy, CFC, and many long time friends!
-Barry & Angie J.

SO many of my favorite memories from the last 10+ years of my life happened either at CFC or in the company of dear friends I met because of CFC. The CFC building is the place where Joe and I met and got to know one another as we served together in the worship ministries there. It's also the place where we got engaged and where we were married. To me, the F for Fellowship in CFC is extremely appropriate because it has been through CFC that I have experienced the truest, deepest, and richest fellowship with other people. I love that I have gotten to know and cherish other believers of all different generations, as well as learn alongside them and from them.
-Kristina E.

I had worked for Friends Forever as a preschool teacher and attended BSF at CFC before our family started attending here. We attended a small church and our kids were needing a strong children's program. As a non-member, but an employee, I saw the love of the staff from the inside out! We have always loved the music and the teaching at CFC, but it was the Children's Ministry that drew us here! The Children's Ministry was and is committed to teaching God's Word in a fun, inviting, age-appropriate way. We  have now attended CFC for 20+ years and my husband and I are still involved with kids ministry! My grandkids are now a part of CFC Kids, woohoo! We love our church and are so thankful for our church family!
-Sandy B

I first came to CFC, I believe, in 1982 or 83. We were attending another church, but sensing it was not home. I ran into a high school friend one day who had become a strong Christian, and she told me about CFC and the teaching she felt was so biblical. My husband and I decided to come and bring our 4 children, and we continued until the children grew up and went away to college or married (2 of them by Pastor David in the CFC Chapel). I began working in the Tape Ministry near the end of 1985 and have been here since on staff part time. My husband and parents have passed, and my children have all grown up and live out of town and state, but I am so thankful for many here over the years who have prayed for, loved, comforted, and blessed me through many happy, joyful, as well as sad and difficult times,. I'm also blessed  by the countless saints who influenced my life, some who have gone on to be with Jesus, who I will never forget and look forward to seeing again in the presence of Christ. God is good!!
-Kathy W.

Twenty five years ago, as engaged college students, Katie and I made our way to CFC. we were in search of the church that would be our church home. We were welcomed to CFC by a newly hired college minister fresh out of seminary and his new bride. Jeff had a passion for ministry and life and an infectious smile. Both, he and Gretchen, loved people and they drew us in immediately. They loved as well, counseled us, married us, and discipled us from 1999 until Jeff's unexpected death in 2002. Jeff was an incredible influence in my life and ministry. He was so closely tied to my favorite early memories at CFC including my wedding. God placed him and CFC in my life at just the right season. Jeff and Gretchen were part of the CFC body for just about three years but their fingerprints are all over my life and ministry. I’m so grateful for the stories and the people who have shaped CFC over the years-whether they have been active in the life of the church for 50 years or they built into the lives of our people for a few years in the middle or if they are just getting started. This community is what it is because of the investments we make in each other.
-Kyle C.

Bob and Marie Greek invited us to visit. We were leaving a large church and wanted to go to a smaller church. This was February, 1979. Well, God had others plans, and we are still here. They introduced us to [Pastor] David that day. When we came back the following week, he remembered our names. The church had just moved from the gym into the original worship center. There was just one service but wasn't long before another was added. Our lifelong friends came out of our supportive fellowship.
-Ruth S.

Our family moved to Evansville, IN, and began attending Christian Fellowship Church as it was nearing completion in 1974. We became members of the first Missions Team … which planned the church’s first mission conference weekend and we were both amazed and thrilled with the strong positive response…Dave [later after making the move to full time missions] became a strong missions mobilizer for North American churches. Together we saw our mission was to help leaders fulfill their roles in The Great Commission. Dave’s personal vision was a movement of churches making world evangelism central. CFC became our sending church and supported us financially and faithfully nearly 30 years! Many friends in the church were on our support team and we met periodically with them to update them on the ministry... How thankful we were to be an extension of the CFC family those years! How we praised God to be allowed to serve Him and CFC in this capacity. All glory to God!
-Marcy M.

In '79 as Purdue freshman, I was invited to CFC by sophomore Lori Padget, PU '84. Mark & I were married @ CFC by Dale Hansen. Last Sunday, over 40yrs later, while visiting, I was once again able to walk down the aisle with my father, Paul Carnes who will soon be 96 years old. What a blessing this church and congregation have been to us all. Congratulations CFC on 50yrs!! For your faithfulness David & Judy and now Dale & Andree, thank you.
-Jennifer D.

My [one word to describe my time at CFC] is “Intentional.” I’ve gone to CFC since I was a kid. I’m so thankful my parents were intentional on dragging Scott Dallas and me to CFC each Sunday after being invited by friends of theirs. My take away after growing closer to Christ through CFC is how intentional CFC has always been at teaching the truth, always praying, having missions that reach the talents of many near and far, and offering many small groups for all different ages to see people grow in their relationship with Christ. Their dedication to intentionally praying for our family and helping us find the resources we needed during difficult times was very much appreciated, and we love being a part of the CFC family!
-Lori H.

We were a newly married couple…when we joined CFC in late 1982. We immediately got involved in small groups and teaching grade school Sunday School classes. Perhaps our favorite memory involved our small group…Harry Repphan [leader] was a wise and Godly man, with a strong servant's heart. He modeled Christ's love for us and others...On the day we were to move out of our apartment and into the home, just a few days before Christmas, Harry and Joanne, and several others in the group offered to help us move our boxes across town and unpack and set up the home…while we were finishing the unpacking, someone came across a box of Christmas ornaments and came up with the idea that we needed to get a tree. Someone volunteered to do that and off they went, later returning with a beautiful cut Christmas tree…[and they] placed the tree in front of the picture window, strung the lights and adorned it with the second-hand decorations. Harry led a prayer of blessing over our new home. Late that evening, Gwen left work to return to our new home for the first time. She actually drove by the unfamiliar home the first time, as she saw the lighted tree in the window and thought "No, THAT can't be our home." Over the years we've told often told the story of the love and kindness modeled for us by our first church small group at Christian Fellowship Church… we've never forgotten those years and the great fellowship that flowed from CFC.
-Randy & Gwen M.

I first came to CFC in 1980, I was 21 yrs old, and I had just turned my life over to Jesus Christ a couple months earlier. I was still very confused about life. A good friend of my brother's, Greg Droste invited us both to CFC service. My eyes were opened to the teaching of scripture. David Niedenagel was teaching straight out of the bible word for word and we were following along. I was amazed and I was hooked on the bible. I've been to lots of church as a kid, but never realy knew what the bible was used for, Now I do. I got involved in "Career" a singles group for ages18-35. This group had weekly bible study and fellowship. Within the group we had accountibilty groups, which we encouraged and prayed for one another. This group mentored me and showed me how to be an effective Christian. Many close friendships were formed, I've seen many marry within the group, including myself. I have raised 3 children here in the church, I'm sure they can tell you some great stories as well. The ones that still live in town still call CFC their home church. I still love studying scripture!
-Marilyn M.

Some 23 years ago, Mark and I joined CFC. Our lives were enriched by the weekly teachings of Pastor David. His precious wife Judy invited me to help begin CFC’s prayer team. We quickly became close friends with Patty & Harold Stovall. We stood on their condo balcony in July to watch fireworks and they sat at our table for Thanksgivings. Our families became one. . . Praying, sharing and caring. Without CFC we would never have met the Stovall branch of our family.
-Mark & Sandy A.

Happy Anniversary CFC.  The memories, friendships that developed, and spiritual growth that came from that body of believers are deep in my heart.
-Jackie V.

So many memories, so many friends, so much spiritual growth from pastor and leaders!
-Connie D.

I walked into CFC for the first time about 12 years ago. I was dropping off my son at Friends Forever. He was crying and I was upset. A fellow mom (Melanie Scheu) introduced herself to me that morning and made me feel so welcome. We are still friends to this day! Friends Forever was the beginning of our CFC adventure. We started worshipping there, became part of a small group, and attended Bible study. We have met so many dear friends and we continue to grow stronger in our faith. We love you CFC - you are home to us. ❤️
-Krystal H.

My family started attending CFC in 2005 when I was in Middle School. I remember thinking it seemed like such a huge church, but it doesn't seem that way any more. It really does feel like family. Since Middle School, everything in my life has revolved around my relationship with Christ, and that relationship has been fostered and enriched at CFC. My family, my friends, mission trip, camps, retreats, serving opportunities, and even my career have all been shaped my this local body. I met my wonderful wife here, got married here, and have the privilege of raising our daughter here. I never would have guessed in 2005 all of what God had in store for me at CFC through the next 20 years. I'm excited for the years to come!
-Joe E.

How clearly and fondly I remember the day of the first service. I was a 15 year old junior in high school. My friends knew David as a Young Life leader and youth pastor. They had such excitement that there would be a new church starting, and we all wanted to be a part of it. I rode to church with a friend. I remember getting to UE and expecting to see a few people in the lounge. Instead hundreds of people came and immediately the service had to be moved to a bigger space. I remember 1 Thessalonians was one of the first sermon series. I wasn't a believer yet, but the Bible teaching struck a chord with me as it seemed fresh and new. This was the start of a journey of faith for me.
-Lori B.

Aidan and I are transplants. Aidan moved to Evansville after college, and I joined him after we got married. We did not have any relatives in this area, and CFC became our family. From throwing us a baby shower for our first born and visiting us in the hospital, to counseling and supporting us through marriage difficulties, to teaching and encouraging us as we raise two kids and helping us grow on our spiritual walk, the LORD provided us everything we need through CFC. Our church family celebrated, laughed, and cried with us. We are thankful for the family the LORD provided us here in Evansville. We met wonderful people who are no longer with us, like Dr. Spence and Corky Downs, Hal and Dorothy Resseguie, Alice Casey, and Judy Hall. Some of our favorite family memories are made here, including weddings, birthday parties, Friends Forever Preschool events, the Easter Pageant, VBS, Autumn Fest, Run for Rakai, Christmas, and Robanza. We don’t get to choose our family, but we feel blessed that CFC adopted us. Happy Anniversary, CFC!
-Ner Moo K.

My husband, Greg , and I attended SCM (School of Christian Ministries) soon after our marriage and starting at CFC in 1981. It was our first comprehensive learning about the Bible and the Christian life. We attended special meetings with a speaker about creation, also a first for us learning about that issue from a Biblical perspective. Then there was Larry Burkette and learning about a Christian view of finances. I remember concerts at CFC with Don Francisco and Steve and Annie Chapman and helping with VBS. Some of those VBS songs still roll around in my head! Doris Bass led a Bible study for some of us young women and Becky Payne worked in the church office and mentored me for several years. I remember growing through 50- Day Spiritual Adventures with Chapel of the Air. And learning about Missions through supporting our homegrown missionaries. CFC shaped our early lives, and I am so grateful for it. Happy Anniversary, CFC!
-Nancy M.

 My one word impression of CFC is "friendly!" We have been attending since [my children] Ben was 3 and Erin was on the way, or 39 years. I remember how much fun it was to come on Sunday, and the kids and I would so enjoy a hot breakfast catered by Mr. Earl!! Thank you for all our wonderful memories and the faith we have gained by attending this awesome church!!!
-Kitsy J.

CFC has meant so much to me over the last 20 years! It was the church that I came to when I moved to Evansville from Illinois. The first Sunday, Pastor David’s sermon challenged me. I heard the music while walking in & had a warm feeling this was my new church. Little did I realize that my future husband was likely on that stage playing guitar that weekend. I got involved with the young singles group where I met many new friends and eventually my husband there. I got married there. We dedicated our 2 girls there. Then, my husband got sick with cancer, and the people of CFC were amazing! Our small group and many others were on the front lines with us! John went home to Jesus after about a year battle with cancer. We had his funeral at CFC. Friends and family at CFC still walked along side me and my girls, while I was a single mom. About 4 years later, I remarried, and Greg moved from 3.5 hours away. We got married at CFC, and he made CFC his new home church. Last year, he was baptized at CFC. So much life and memories lived at CFC. I am forever thankful for the Lord bringing me here.
-Bridget C.

Knowing marriage was in our future. David and I wanted to find our “own” church. The first visit in 1979 was all it took. Within a year we were married, back when David N had all dark hair…LOL. Marriage counseling is worth it! The job took us to Albion, IL, and I am grateful to say we still attend weekly. After 45 years it’s hard to say what stands out the most:  knowing how loved I am, to never stop praying, reading your bible even if it doesn’t make sense. God is so so faithful. His presence in my life makes the high and low lows doable. P.S. Albion pop. is 2000, equal that or CFC.
-Shelley S.

Back in the 1990s, I lived in Mt Carmel, IL. I was single, as was my good friend, Karen. [We heard] about a Friday night singles event (volleyball) at  ...Christian Fellowship Church. ...  So, the next Friday night, we attended. And we began attending other singles events with T & T (Twenties and Thirties), the then adult singles group at CFC. The events were great, and a special blessing because alcohol was NOT involved... But, more important than the pleasant social time afforded by these singles events, it was through T&T that I met my husband, Albert, with whom I have two beautiful children. I could go on and on in describing the many ways in which CFC has been in my/our life — from Sunday morning services to Friday night supportive fellowship meetings, from Bible studies to stamping nights — but to say CFC changed my life is not an exaggeration. I couldn’t be more thankful.
-Jody K