Study Questions for November 3, 2024

Read the text of Psalm 40.

Bonus: Listen to the old "U2" song 40, this Psalm put to music. Why do you think the refrain is made up of the line, "How long to sing this song?"

1.   What happened to the Psalmist when he waited upon God?

Vs. 1:

Vs. 2:

Vs. 3:

Do you ever treat God's delays in help or answering as His denial of help or request? How does this Psalm help you address that?  What does this Psalm teach us about how to wait upon God?

2.  What happened to others  when the Psalmist waited upon God?

Vs. 3:

Vs. 4:

3.  How did the Psalmist feel about God in verse 5 regarding our ability to quantify our gratitude and praise for the goodness of God?

As you read through to the end of the Psalm, David has been in trouble, been rescued from the trouble but ends up needing God again.  What does this teach you about your relationship with God?

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