Study Questions for September 29, 2024

Read Luke 15:1-7

Using a web search or Bible commentary, what can you learn about the origins of the Pharisees?  What is their mission?  How have they evolved into a group so interested in Jesus?

The question centers around the idea that association with sinners constitutes an affirmation of sin.  Do you agree?  Discuss this.
How has our previous study in Ezra shaped your answer?

What does the parable teach about the character of God?

What does the parable teach about the nature of humanity?

How do Isaiah 53:6 and Luke 5:29-32 help shape your application of this parable?

What does our experience with the "Good Shepherd" convey about His calling upon our lives? (i.e. What is to be the mission of the church in light of this parable?)

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