Study Questions for July 21, 2024

Read: Ezra 4:1-24; 2 Kings 17:32-34 and Philippians 1:28-30

How does the deception of the adversaries in Ezra 4 relate to modern-day situations where people or circumstances might not be what they seem?

How does 2 Kings 17:32-34 help you understand what is behind the tension here?

What can we learn from the response of the Jews when their adversaries offered to help them in their task?

How does the story in Ezra 4 and Paul's words in Philippians 1:28-30 encourage believers to remain steadfast despite opposition?

Can you draw parallels between the adversaries' tactics in Ezra 4 and the challenges you face in your personal or professional life?  How must the church guard against the temptation to join the mission of culture?

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