We will have 3 courts available, and all skill levels, including those new to the sport, are welcome. We'll even have loaner paddles to try it out. Enter through DOOR H on the east side of the building and the gym doors will be to your right.

If you are a beginner, please come to open court time rather than reserving a court. There will most likely be people there during open court times who will help you learn the basics.

SPRING SCHEDULE (January 2 - June 1)
Open Courts*
Mondays: 5-8PM (Courts closed on May 27)
Thursdays: 12:30-3:30PM (Courts closed on May 9)

Reserved Court Times*
(Court reservations will be open by the last week of the month prior)
Tuesdays: 90 minutes 12:30 and 2PM (Courts closed on May 14)
Fridays in March, April, & May: 90 minutes at 12:30, 2, and 3:30PM (Courts closed on  May 3 and 10)

The first and last groups  will be responsible for putting up and taking down the nets.
Fridays  are the days most likely for courts to be closed, and the reservation form and this page will be updated accordingly.

Summer Schedule* (June, July & August)

Mondays : Reserved courts 2-3:30 & 3:30-5; Open courts 5-8 (courts closed June 10)

Tuesdays: Reserved courts 9:30-11, 11-12:30, 12:30-2, 2-3:30 (courts closed June 10 & August 6)

Thursdays: Open courts 12:30-3:30 (courts closed June 13 & 20)

Sunday – Open courts 1-4  (courts closed June 2 & 9)

If you need to cancel, please provide 24 hours notice if possible.

*Court times may change for ministry activities such as funerals and will be updated here.

Everyone must sign a waiver before playing, and they will be available courtside. Be courteous and respectful at all times.
CFC's coffee shop next to the gym is open from 8AM-Noon on weekdays. You can sit in there as you wait for your court, or pick up a hot or cold beverage and snack after you play if they are open.
If you are new to pickleball, here is a link to the RULES. Additionally, CFC has some PickleballGuidelines.pdf that we'd like you to review. If you are new to CFC, you can find out more about our church HERE.
Click on each court below to see the available times for that court.