Finding Your Place on the Path

Guest Services

Ensuring that every person who walks through our doors feels welcome and part of the CFC family.

The Win: That each person who walks through our doors feels welcome and a part of the CFC family and that the first face they see is a friendly one.

This is the Right role for you if:
  • You enjoy engaging with people
  • You have a friendly and outgoing personality
  • You are committed to the vision of CFC
  • You are a member of CFC
Volunteer Responsibilities: 
  • Always hold the door open for those entering
  • Welcome each guest and let them know you are glad they are here 
  • Always smile, display a friendly attitude and make eye contact 
  • Identify new visitors, ask their names, quickly answer their questions
  • Arrive 15 minutes early at your assigned door and stay there 10 minutes after the service begins
  • Attend the First Impressions meeting/prayer time
  • Always wear your lanyard
Time Commitment: 2 services per month (you are welcome to serve at more if you would like!)

Volunteers Needed: 86 

Helping people engage in worship by offering assistance and reducing distractions.

The Win: You ensure that people see and experience the love of Christ by creating a comfortable environment welcoming them and offering them assistance to make engaging in the service both easy and distraction free.

This is the Right role for you if:
  • You enjoy talking to new visitors and guests and welcoming them
  • You care about people
  • You possess a servant’s heart
  • You are committed to the vision of CFC
  • You are a member of CFC
Volunteer Responsibilities: 
  • Always smile, display a friendly attitude and make eye contact
  • Always walk with guests to show them where something is instead of just pointing to it
  • Remove barriers and allow guests to experience God
  • Hand out communion and miscellaneous items during the service as needed
  • Inform new visitors about the location of restrooms, classrooms, Welcome Center, and Sold Grounds
  • Be aware of first-time visitors and make them feel “at home”
  • Actively look for people who need assistance
  • Help people find seats if needed
  • Read the bulletin, weekly emails and any other communication to stay up to date on what is happening
  • Look for late-comers, make sure they feel welcome and you are glad they are here
  • After the service, do a quick walk through of the pews to collect any personal items they may have been left behind and take to the Connection Center
  • Arrive 15 minutes early at your assigned door and stay there 10 minutes after service begins - plan to be at your door after the service if things are needed to be passed out
  • Attend the First Impressions meeting/prayer time
  • Always wear your lanyard
Time Commitment: 2 services per month (you are welcome to serve at more if you would like!)

Volunteers Needed: 86
Cookie Ministry
Help first-time visitors feel welcome by baking cookies for their welcome gift.

The Win: First-time visitors will receive a homemade cookies in their first time visit Welcome Bags.  Just a little treat to let them knowknow we are glad they are here.

This is the Right role for you if: 
  • You possess a servant’s heart
  • You like baking
  • You are committed to the vision of CFC
Volunteer Responsibilities (Baking): 
  • Prepare homemade cookies as needed and bring it to the conference room freezer by Saturday 
Time Commitment: as needed (generally once or twice per month)

Volunteers Needed: 8
Center Host
Help people feel welcome and at ease by answering questions and ensuring a positive first-time experience.

The Win: You help people feel at ease, answer their questions and ensure that their first-time experience is a positive one and they will want to be a part of CFC, and, ultimately, the Body of Christ

This is the Right role for you if:
  • You are welcoming and have an outgoing personality
  • You enjoy helping people
  • You are committed to the vision of CFC
  • You are a member of CFC
Volunteer Responsibilities:
  • Always look inviting and available to assist new visitors by answering questions
  • Be knowledgeable and up-to-date on all information by reviewing the bulletin, website, App and other printed materials available 
  • Walk new guests to different areas
  • Have knowledge of each ministry
  • Welcome new visitors and introduce yourself
  • Have knowledge and are up to date on all information by reading the weekly email, eviewing the bulletin, website, App and other printed materials available
  • Call shut-ins to listen to the service
  • Make copies of the audio of the service and collect payment
  • Attend the First Impressions/Prayer time 
  • Arrive 15 minutes before the service starts
  • Always wear your lanyard 
Time Commitment: 2 services per month (you are welcome to serve at more if you would like!)

Volunteers Needed: 16
Section Host
Helping each person who sits in your section feel encouraged, cared for, prayed for, and known.

The Win: The people who sit in your area of the Worship Center/Chapel will feel encouraged, cared for, prayed for and known

This is the Right role for you if:
  • You enjoy talking to new visitors and guests 
  • You can pray with people when led to do so
  • You love welcoming people ahead of the worship service
  • You are committed to the vision of CFC
  • You are a member of CFC
Volunteer Responsibilities:
  • Intentionally reach out to others in your area
  • Recognize and welcome those in your section and introduce yourself to new visitors
  • Forward all “urgent” needs or requests to Juli Gardner (put contact information on the cards provided at the Connection Center) 
  • Attend the First Impressions meeting before the service
  • Always wear your lanyard
Time Commitment: 2 services per month (you are welcome to serve at more if you would like!)

Volunteers Needed: 86