50th Anniversary Worship Choir

Sing to the Lord in celebration of CFC's 50th Anniversary as part of a worship choir. Anyone is welcome to join, and you don't have to be able to read music or sing great! We especially want to invite anyone who has been a part of any choir or worship team at CFC over the past 50 years!

Rehearsals will be in the Choir Room (behind the Worship Center) from 6:30-8PM on July 10, 17, 24, and 31. The 31st will be a dress rehearsal. The choir will be a part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration on the morning of Sunday, August 4.
We take who represents CFC and our Lord Jesus from our platform seriously. Please be sure that you have reviewed CFC's Doctrinal Statement prior to completing the form. If you have questions before agreeing to it, please contact Nathan Hazel in the church office.

Sign up to be a part of the Worship Choir HERE. Contact Kathy Haymond in the church office if you have questions.